Don’t die with the music still in you

Share your gifts, don’t die with the music still in you!

Many of us know that we are here on this earth for a purpose. Many of us also get caught up in the everyday grind and seem to forget that we are divine beings with important missions that need to be fulfilled.

Too many of us are willing to sit and watch our life go by with this aching in our hearts that we aren’t doing what we are supposed to be doing.

You need to drop the ideas of what you think everybody else thinks you should be doing. You need to retrain your brain and know that you deserve to be happy.

That true abundance and wealth doesn’t come from money. It comes from truly being free to do what you enjoy. It comes from taking your natural gifts and talents and helping others with it because when you truly want to help others, abundance and the things you really need come flowing into your life.

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