Reading for July 22-28, 2013

The energy this week and especially on or near the full moon is about release. Getting rid of what is no longer needed in your life. This is the time to take a look at your life with a fine-toothed comb and find all of the crap that is holding you back. The beginning of next week we have an amazing alignement with the planets creating a merkaba or 6 pointed star.

So when you are advised that now is the time to release these energies and circumstances it is highly advised that you do the exercise’s needed to accomplish this. By doing so you will be truly benefit your growth. It will help to give birth to the new energies that you want in your life.

Cleansing out what is no longer working for you allows the new energies the space they need to take root.

This week is such a huge turning point, if your life is headed in the wrong direction, if you are doing things that make you unhappy if you are engaging in activities that bring down your vibration. Now is the time to do a 180 and turn it all around. No one is responsible for this, only you! This is your life and you cannot rely on others to make it better or change it.

Now is the time to truly look at yourself and your own life and decide what it is about you that makes you so amazing!! The sun moves into leo on the 22nd and leo is all about love. The most important love to have is love for yourself, for no one can be expected to love you if you do not love yourself. We are in some real and intense times. The lesson is huge now to LOVE yourself, you deserve it! Leo energy can teach us to do this.

The energy this week is also all about building dreams. We have been talking about this the last little while. Now is definitely a beneficial time. Once again find what you love, whatever it is and live it! Make sure you are being honest and truthful with yourself because anything that is fake won’t make it through, it will fall apart.

Lots and lots of determination is needed to build your dreams. You can’t give up when you don’t see instant results. Every step you take is still a step, you won’t push forward if you never move. Know that you are amazing, know what your heart is telling you is needed, know that the universe is providing you everything you need energy wise to make your life into something amazing, a life you love!

Lots of Love on your Journey xo

If you are interested in booking a personal reading with me to see where your personal path is heading go to

What Dec.21, 2012 Really means for us

I highly recommend watching this film.  

~What will really happen on Dec. 21, 2012

~The galactic alignment that will take place on that date and what it really means

~The dawning of a new age (the age of Aquarius and what that means for us)

~The connection with the star Sirius

~The awakening of humanity

What will you choose, fear or love?


In this film we find Santos Bonacci,  Bud Barber, George Neo and more

Much love and light on your journey